Limited Time To File A Free Social Media Claim - No Win No Fee Promise

If you or a loved one have been diagnosed after having a social media addiction. You may be entitled to a large cash settlement as a result of deceptive practices

No cost, No out of pocket, fast & friendly  claim process

Five easy steps to secure your settlement claim

What is the Social Media addiction settlement about?

Social media addiction is not currently categorized as an official diagnosis. However, addiction to social media is considered to be a form of behavioral addiction and, therefore, may influence the behavior or mental health of a user in a negative manner. Amongst social media users, teens and children may be at risk of developing social media addiction as they search for their own unique form of self-identity. 

Researchers at California State University state that exposure to social media in children may result in their reward centers becoming overstimulated. This can result in an increased reward responsiveness, which may create problems. 

What is the status of the Social Media addiction settlement? 

On January 2, 2023, the US Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation ruled that all pending social media addiction lawsuits will be consolidated.

Currently, there are dozens of pending cases in federal courts. While Meta is a plaintiff in 70 percent of such cases, the lawsuit will include cases from other social media platforms.

The US Judicial Panel stated that though the cases involve multiple social media services, they will be centralized because the type of alleged harm in the cases is similar. As of October 16, 2023, there were 429 cases pending in the MDL.

Whether or not social media companies knew their products and services were addictive is still in question. If social media companies were aware of the potential for their products and services to be addictive, they could be held liable to the individuals who used their services and experienced harm as a result. Section 230 currently serves as a shield for technology companies to protect themselves from content shared via their platforms. 

In 2021, a former employee of Meta, Frances Haugen, testified before the U.S. Senate, stating that leadership at Facebook had made choices that led to harm to children. According to Haugen, Meta cherry-picks the information users encounter, which allows it to control the thoughts, behaviors, and feelings of users and shape user perception of reality. Haugen further testified that Meta’s own internal research has confirmed on a repeated basis that the content cultivated by the company’s platform results in self-hate and self-harm. 

Currently, more than 40 percent of Instagram users in the United States are under the age of 23. Each day, approximately 22 million teenage users in the United States log in to Instagram. Compared to other social media platforms, Instagram has been associated with the most severe mental health and addiction risks. 

Social Media platforms designed to be more addicting then gambling or heroin

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Lawsuits against social media companies often focus on the defective design nature of social media platforms, which fails to warn users that the applications are specifically designed to be addictive. 

Symptoms and side effects of social media addiction in teens and children may include:

  • Body dysmorphia
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Eating disorders
  • Difficulty focusing or concentrating
  • Low self-esteem
  • Difficulty sleeping or insomnia
  • Injuries or death stemming from social media challenges
  • Sexual exploitation
  • Self-harm
  • Thoughts or attempts of suicide
  • Suicide 

Even more disturbing is the way in which many of these symptoms and side effects are co-related, which may place teens and children at an increased risk of developing multiple potentially serious problems. 

Some firms are accepting cases for claimants who we able to purchase drugs via social media messaging platforms like Snapchat. On many occasions, these drugs are laced with fentanyl and are leading to overdose deaths.

What is my potential case worth?

While the exact amount of compensation can vary from case to case, there are several types of damages that may be available for those affected.

Understanding these potential damages can help individuals assess the value of their claim and guide them in seeking justice and financial compensation.

Here are some of the potential damages that may be included:


Medical Expenses: Individuals who have been diagnosed with one of the many known side effects of social media, may be entitled to compensation for their medical expenses. This can include costs associated with hospital stays, surgeries, doctor visits, medications, rehabilitation, and any necessary ongoing treatment

Lost Wages: If individuals have had to take time off work their diagnosis, they may be eligible to recover lost wages. This can include not only their base pay but also any bonuses, promotions, or raises they missed out on while being unable to work

Lost Earning Potential: In cases where the long-term effects of social media addiction have left individuals with a disabling condition that prevents them from returning to work or impacts their ability to earn a livelihood, they may be entitled to compensation for their lost earning potential. This seeks to secure future income that may have been compromised due to the medication’s adverse effects

Pain and Suffering: Social media lawsuit plaintiffs may also seek compensation for the emotional and mental distress caused by the painful side effects they have endured. These non-economic damages aim to address the intangible and long-lasting impact on the individual’s quality of life

Punitive Damages: In some cases, individuals may be eligible to claim punitive damages. These damages go beyond compensating for actual losses and is intended to punish the defendant for their misconduct and deter similar behavior in the future.

It’s important to note that the specific compensation available in this lawsuit can vary depending on the severity of the injuries, the impact on the individual’s life, and other factors. The value of these damages will be determined by the court based on the evidence and arguments presented during the legal proceedings.

You can find out if you qualify by answering the questions in the form, which takes 30 seconds.  


What social platforms are involved in a potential settlement

Plaintiffs currently suing social media platforms for social media addiction have filed lawsuits against the following platforms: 

  • Meta (Facebook and Instagram)
  • Snapchat
  • TikTok
  • Google (YouTube)

Does your case qualify?

Yes, if you or a loved one became addicted to social media and were diagnosed or hospitalized overnight for at least one night for severe side effects, you may be eligible for significant financial compensation.  

You can find out if you qualify by answering the questions in the form, which takes 30 seconds


If You Don't Win Your Case, You Don't Pay!

Never worry again about how you’re going to afford a lawyer. The law firm works on a “contingent” basis, meaning you only pay if the law firm wins your case. 

No out-of-pocket or upfront costs! If for some reason the law firm fails to win your case, you owe the law firm ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

So relax and never worry, you have nothing to lose!

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Injury Case Claims LLC is devoted to helping consumers who may have been injured by prescription medications, medical devices and other products or events where the consumer could seek legal representation for an out of court settlement in most cases. THIS IS AN ADVERTISEMENT. This is not a law firm or provide legal advice. This is a free connection service only and there is no charge to be connected with an attorney. This is not a substitute for medical advice from your doctor, so never start or stop taking medication without consulting a doctor first. An attorney-client relationship is not formed when you submit the form, you are under no obligation to retain a lawyer who contacts you through this service. Services are not available in all states. This website is not affiliated in any way with any pharmaceutical company, drug producer, or attorney, and makes no claim to any registered trademarks or brands of any company. THIS IS A FREE CLAIM SERVICE

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